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ACCA(MA)科目经典考题练习 acca试题题库

2022年12月18日 12:18:45资讯6




ACCA(MA)科目经典考题练习 acca试题题库



  A company has the following budgeted costs and revenues:($ per unit)

  Sales price 50

  Variable production cost 18

  Fixed production cost 10

  In the most recent period, 2,000 units were produced and 1,000 units were sold. Actual sales price, variable production cost per unit and total fixed production costs were all as budgeted. Fixed production costs were over-absorbed by $4,000. There was no opening inventory for the period.

  What would be the reduction in profit for the period if the company has used marginal costing rather than absorption costing?

  A. 4,000

  B. 6,000

  C. 10,000

  D. 14,000


  解析:考察AC和MC下利润调整公式AC=MC+OAR*(Closing inventory-Opening inventory); Opening inventory + Production-Sales = Closing inventory;

  得出Closing inventory- Opening inventory= Production-Sales=2000-1000=1000;最终AC-MC= OAR*(Closing inventory-Opening inventory)=10*1000=10000。MC= AC-OAR*(Closing inventory-Opening inventory)=26000-10*1000=16000


  The following data relates to a company’s overhead cost.

  Using the high low technique, what is the variable cost per unit (to the nearest $ 0.01) expressed in current year price?

  A. $3.22

  B. $4.13

  C. $4.65

  D. $5.06


  解析:将两年前的Overhead costs调整到现在的价格水平下,即=3700*(155/121)=4739.67。高低点求出y=a+bx中的b,即=(13000-4739.67)/(3000-1000)=4.13


  An investment centre earns a return on investment of 18% and a residual income of $300000. The cost of capital is 15%. A new project offers a return on capital employed of 17%.

  If the new project were adopted, what would happen to the investment centre’s return on investment and residual income?

  Return on investment Residual income

  A Increase Decrease

  B Increase Decrease

  C Decrease Decrease

  D Decrease Increase


  解析:新项目的ROCE 17%The cost of capital 15%;RI=Controllable profit-Controllable interest=Capital employed*17%- Capital employed*15%0;则投资新项目会造成投资中心部门整体RI的上升。


  A company calculates the following under a standard absorption costing system.

  (i) The sales volume margin variance

  (ii) The total fixed overhead variance

  (iii) The total variable overhead variance

  If a company changed to a standard marginal costing system, which variances could change in value?

  A. (i) only

  B. (ii) only

  C. (i) and (ii) only

  D. (i), (ii) and (iii)


  解析:(i)在AC下是Sales volume profit variance,在MC下是Sales volume contribution variance;(ii)在AC下是等于Fixed OH expenditure variance加上Fixed OH volume variance,在MC下只有Fixed OH expenditure variance。

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