ACCA高频考点讲解:Disposal of subsidiary ACCA知识点
ACCA高频考点讲解:Disposal of subsidiary
在ACCA考试中,Disposal of subsidiary经常都会出现在试卷里,对于初次报名的考生,很多人不太了解这考点内容,今天小编就跟大家进行讲解。
首先,在母公司的单体报表中,投资子公司时会计处理如下: DR Investment in subsidiary CR Cash
因此对子公司的投资作为Investment in subsidiary出现Profit/loss on disposal = Proceeds (fair value of consideration received) – carrying amount of the investment disposed of
其中proceed是母公司获得的处置收入,carrying amount of the investment disposed of是母公司单体报表中这笔投资的账面价值。
02 、在集团报表中
在集团报表中,不会出现Investment in subsidiary,而是将其拆为子公司的资产负债,因此在合并报表中母公司的投资价值以子公司的资产、负债和收购后子公司的权益变动出现。
在母公司不完全控股的情况下,集团报表中存在NCI,当母公司处置子公司后,集团报表中的NCI、子公司净资产和商誉处置后都不存在,因此在计算处置利得或损失时,公式如下:Group profit/loss on disposal = fair value of consideration received + NCI at disposal – carrying amount of net asset in S at date of disposal – Goodwill at disposal
单体报表和集团报表的计算差异在于单体报表不存在NCI, 而集团报表存在NCI
另外需要提醒大家的是:NCI是权益科目,在合并报表的Equity 项下
03 、两道题分析
1.Wind purchased 80% of the ordinary shares Snow for $8 million many years ago and holds the investment in its individual statement of financial position at cost. On 30 September 20X3, Wind disposed of its shares in Snow for $20 million in cash.
What is the profit arising on the disposal of the shares that will be recorded in Wind’s individual statement of profit or loss for the year ended 30 September 20X3?
下面我们来分析本题:Individual statement of P/L表示本题计算的是单体报表的处置利得或损失
Profit/loss on disposal = Proceeds (fair value of consideration received) – carrying amount of the investment disposed of =20000K-8000K=12000K,即为本题答案。
2. On 30 lune 20X4, the Tea group disposed of its 60% holding in the ordinary shares of Coffee for $30 million in cash. The non-controlling interest at the acquisition date was measured at its fair value of $4.4 million.
Coffee's net assets at the acquisition and the disposal date were $10 million and $16 million respectively. Goodwill arising on the acquisition of Coffee of $2 million had been fully impaired by the disposal date.
What is the profit or loss arising on the disposal of Coffee that will be recorded in the consolidated statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 December 20X4?
A Profit of $20.0 million B Profit of $18.2 millionC Profit of $20.4 million D Profit of $20.2 million
下面来分析本题:Consolidated statement of P/L表示本题计算合并报表的处置利得或损失
首先计算处置当天NCI的数值。由于本题使用公允价值计量NCI,因此商誉的减值有一部分要分给NCI:NCI at disposal = 4400K+ (16000K-10000K)*40%-2000K*40%=6000K
另外注意处置当天商誉的价值减值到0,因此:Group profit/loss on disposal = fair value of consideration received + Fair value of NCI – Carrying amount at date of disposal– Goodwill at disposal = 30000K+6000K-16000K-0=20000K=20m
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