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2022年考研英语作文题目预测示例范文两篇 2022考研英语作文押题

2023年01月06日 09:12:05资讯6




2022年考研英语作文题目预测示例范文两篇 2022考研英语作文押题


  Individuals and society

  In crisis, the juxtaposition between individual and collective interest is heightened. When resources become scarce, individuals often rely on governments to provide coordinated bailout relief. Yet, this effort also evokes a moral dilemma, as individuals retain the ability to choose how to behave within the boundaries of law. Their actions are further guided by cost-benefit analysis for their own interests in conjunction with, and sometimes taking a priority over, interests of society as a whole.

  It is therefore important for individuals, corporations, and governments to establish a framework delineating responsibility while preserving values which underpin the foundation to each community. The realignment of incentives is necessary to build up reserves during the best of times so as to provide an effective buffer and a response mechanism for downturns.

  The Chinese word for crisis carries the dual meaning of risk and opportunity. As the world unites, the global community will find constructive methods of collaboration and a collective path forward.


  What Are the Benefits of Encouragement?

  Encouragement can play a vital role in how a child grows and develops and how adults thrive in their day-to-day lives. The benefits of encouragement far outweigh the effect of criticism. It cannot only affect individuals, but also those who are in their presence as well.

  Encouragement can help boost self-confidence. They recipient will have more confidence in how much they can achieve and be more positive about their abilities.

  When individuals receive encouragement regarding the work or tasks they do, even if they are not doing well, it could make them want to work harder, do better and make a huge effort to finish the job.

  The combination of all the benefits of encouragement could culminate to help form an overall successful person. Support, whether it is from one person or many, can be a big motivator for people and what they achieve.

  Those that receive encouragement often feel better about themselves. They often will become more confident.

  Encouragement from others will help them feel validated and proud of their accomplishments.










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