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美国叶史瓦大学怎么样 叶史瓦大学排名美国

2023年12月16日 06:05:04资讯2




美国叶史瓦大学怎么样 叶史瓦大学排名美国

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  2. 在美国叶史瓦大学就读是一番怎样的体验

















1.Academics: As of now, I love the academics. I may be taking 9 classes next semester with an 8 hour lab week, not including the research I will be doing, but I love it. Especially for science, it is great. The workload is very hard. There are many facilities out there to help you which is great. There is a great career center that can help with job opportunities and internships as well.


  2.Academics: Professors are good and its easy to register for classes. The library is great for studying. Curriculum is good although I feel that there are too many cores. There is a lot of work but not so overwhelming.


  3.Academics: Challenging, but Manageable. YU was ranked one of the top 50 schools in country. We have small classes, and can learn a lot from our teachers, but we have a double-curriculum, which forces us complete jewish studies requirements.


  4.Majors: I don't really have a program, but a school. I got into Stern College for Women, which is regular liberal arts studies college. It is great for sciences and I love that. Most important criteria for admission I would say is GPA, essay, extracurriculars, and SAT score. There is no abnormal process.


  5.Majors: I haven't had a chance to have an internship yet at the school, however I know people that do and they like it and get paid normal wage. I do plan on having one because they are very beneficial.


  6.Diversity: This depends on how one person would like it over another. It is very subjective. I don't mind that almost all the students are really the same. Yes, you find variety, which I have found and I like. But I don't mind that many people are the same. Mostly all are jewish students. People come from different backgrounds and political beliefs, mostly all have same religious views, and sexual orientation is not usually LGBT.


  7.Diversity: In terms of religion, everyone on campus is Jewish. The diversity comes into play with the different people from all over the world as well as the different levels of religion people adhere to.


  8.Diversity: Everyone that I have met is Jewish, it is a Jewish college. However, I have met many people with different political beliefs and economic backgrounds.


  9.Athletics: Sports Are Like High School. The only sport on campus that is even a little cared about is basketball. But still, those players aren't campus gods. Athletes are just a regular part of the school, and just like high school, they are very easy to meet and become friends with.


  10.Guys & Girls: Most are friendly and willing to assist 1st year students and show them around the campus.


  11.Guys & Girls: It's good in that men and women can hang out easily, but that can lead to some inappropriate behavior...


  12.Health & Safety: It is a very safe school, I've never really heard much about campus crime, or really any safety problems unless it was from a homeless person outside, but even then it is fine. There is security.


  13.Health & Safety: Students do not commit crimes. One robbery last semester. A shooting 20 years ago. Pretty boring.


  14.Campus Food: The food may be kind of expensive, but you have a caf card loaded with money and I always had enough. There is Chinese, burgers, salads... always something.


  15.Off-Campus Dining: There is a vast variety of options that can satisfy anyone's needs. They are all conveniently placed a few blocks away from campus and all have rather affordable prices.


  16.Campus Housing: Housing could be better. It is VERY expensive, and every year it is going up. The convenienceness of being close to campus is GREAT. It is right next to the school building. The social atmosphere could be annoying at times but it is alright. Some dorms can be harder to get into, only if you're from a town long hours away could you really get the best dorm, which is even more expensive, but worth it.


  17.Campus Housing: There is an expensive option and a very expensive option. I live in the expensive option. It's nice; I have a bed, a desk, and a closet. Socialization does not really happen so much in the dorms.


  18.Administration: There are many security officers on campus.


  19.Administration: Parties only happen off-campus. That's just the way it is. Getting the classes you want can be hard sometimes because it is such a small university.


  20.Transportation: Stern is really great with transportation, they have inter-campus shuttles that take you to the boys campus and also have local services which take you from dorm to dorm, and also to port authority and penn station at certain times.


  21.Transportation: There are local vans that take students from building to building starting at 5 in the afternoon and running almost all night. There are also inter campus shuttles that run between the Midtown and Uptown campuses. They run from around 5 in the afternoon to about 2 in the morning.


  22.Local Area: We are in Upper Manhattan and are located close to the A and 1 trains. There is also a shuttle that goes to the campus located in Midtown.


  23.Local Area: There is much to do in New York! Public transportation is a breeze and you can visit many museums, parks, shopping, attractions and eat wonderful food. One draw back is that the monthly transportation unlimited card is $112.



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