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马来亚大学研究生专业设置及介绍 马来亚大学研究生专业设置及介绍表

2024年01月14日 11:34:06留学2


To be admitted to a Master‘s programme, applicants are required to have a completed and recognized Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline and to have obtained a better than average cumulative grade point average (CGPA).

马来亚大学研究生专业设置及介绍 马来亚大学研究生专业设置及介绍表


Programme 课程

Coursework 授课型

Mix-mode 混合型

Research 研究型


Minimum Requirements最低要求

A Bachelor’s Degree (Hons.) or its equivalent in the related field* 相关专业,获得学士学位*NotePreference will be given to applicants having a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA 3.0 and above or its equivalent. 绩点3.0以上Applicants having a Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of 3.7 and above can apply directly for the Doctoral of Philosophy (PhD)


Islamic Studies 伊斯兰教研究

Master of Usuluddin 乌苏鲁丁硕士Master of Shariah 伊斯兰教法硕士Master of Islamic Studies 伊斯兰研究硕士

Malay Studies 马来研究

Malay Studies 马来研究

Cultural 文化研究

Cultural 文化研究

Dentistry 牙医

Dentistry 牙医

Education 教育学

MasterofEducation (Curriculum and Development) 教育学(课程开发)Master of Education (Educational Psychology)教育学(教育心理学)Master of Education (Science Education) 教育学(理科教育)Master of Education (Sociology of Education) 教育学(教育社会学)Master of Education (Special Education) 教育学(特殊教育)Master of Educational Management 教育管理学Master of Education (Islamic Education) 教育学(伊斯兰教育)Master of Education (Mathematics Education) 教育学(数学教育)Masterof Education (Planning and Administration) 教育学(规划与管理)MasterofEducation (Measurement and Evaluation) 教育学(测量与评估)Maste of Science Education with Information Technology 科学教育与信息技术硕士Master of Instructional Technology (Instructional Design) 教学技术硕士(教学设计)Master of Education (Early Childhood Education) 教育硕士(幼儿教育)Master of Professional Counseling 专业咨询硕士Master of Education (Values Education Humanities) 教育学硕士(价值教育与人文学)Master Of Education (Visual Arts Education) 教育学硕士(视觉艺术)Master of Mathematics Education With Technology 数学教育与技术硕士Master of Education (Physical And Health Education) 教育硕士(体育和健康教育)Master of Education In English as a Second Language 英语作为第二语言教育硕士Master of Arabic Language Education 阿拉伯语教育硕士Master of Bahasa Malaysia Education Bahasa马来西亚教育硕士

Engineering 工程学

Engineering 工程

Law 法学

Master of Laws (Coursework) 法律硕士(授课型)Master of Criminal Justice (Coursework)刑事司法硕士(授课型)Master of Commercial Law (Coursework) 商法硕士(授课型)Master of Legal Studies (Research) 法学硕士(研究型)

Medicine 医学

Medicine 医学

Pharmacy 药学

Pharmacy 药学

Sciences 理学

Master of Science (MSc) 理学硕士

Master of Petroleum Geoscience 石油地球科学硕士

Master of Sustainability Science 可持续发展科学硕士

Master of Science in Statistics 统计学理学硕士

Master of Science in Instrumental Analytical Chemistry 仪器分析化学理科硕士

Master of Science in Applied Physics 应用物理学理学硕士

Master of Science (Biotechnology) 理学硕士(生物技术)

Master of Science (Environmental Management Technology) 理学硕士(环境管理及技术)

Master of Bioinformatics 生物信息学硕士

Master of Science In Crop Protection作物保护理学硕士

Art and Social Sciences 人文社科

Master of Arts (by Research) 文学硕士(研究型)

Master of Arts (English Literature) 文学硕士(英国文学)

Master of Arts (Malaysian History) 文学硕士(马来西亚历史)

Master of Southeast Asian Studies 东南亚研究硕士

Master of Publishing Studies 出版研究硕士

Master of Strategic and Defence Studies 战略与国防研究硕士

Master of Media Studies (Full Coursework) 媒体研究硕士(全程授课型)

Master of Arts (Southeast Asian History) 文学硕士(东南亚历史)

Master of Chinese Studies (Coursework) 中国研究硕士(课程)

Business and Accountancy 商业与会计

Business and Accountancy 商业与会计

Economics and Administration 经济与管理

Economics and Administration 经济与管理

Languages and Linguistics 语言学

Languages and Linguistics语言学

Built Environment 建筑环境

Built Environment 建筑环境

Sports and Exercise Sciences 体育

Sports and Exercise Sciences体育

Computer Science and Information Technology 计算机科学与信息技术

Master of Software Engineering (Software Technology)(Courseworkand Dissertation)

软件工程硕士(软件技术)(授课型和论文型)Master of Computer Science (Applied Computing)(Coursework and Dissertation)

计算机科学硕士(应用计算)(授课和论文)Master of Information Technology Management (Coursework)

信息技术管理硕士(授课型)Master of Data Science (Coursework)

数据科学硕士(授课)Master of Library and Information Science (Coursework)

图书馆和信息科学硕士(授课型)Master of Computer Science (Research)

计算机科学硕士(研究型)Master of Information Science (Research)



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