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张博考研数学 张博考研数学老师

2024年03月11日 13:43:33资讯1

[1] 张博著。《精算学》。北京大学出版社,2005。[2] 曹和平,李虹,张博译。《环境经济学教程》。中国税物出版社,2005。[3] 北京大学联泰供应链研究与发展中心著。《中国供应链现状:理论与实践》。北京大学出版社。



张博考研数学 张博考研数学老师

  1. 张博的主要作品


[1] 张博著。《精算学》。北京大学出版社,2005。

[2] 曹和平,李虹,张博译。《环境经济学教程》。中国税物出版社,2005。

[3] 北京大学联泰供应链研究与发展中心著。《中国供应链现状:理论与实践》。北京大学出版社,2006。 张博撰写其中的第三章“中国制鞋业供应链现状调查与趋势分析” 。 [1] Bo Zhang. LIL and SLLN for random sums. Journal of Mathematical Sciences,1995, V.76, N.2, pp.2335-2338.

[2] Bo Zhang. Functional limit theorems for random sums. Bulletin of Moscow University, Series 15, 1995, N.3, pp.57-61.

[3] V.M.Kruglov and Bo Zhang. Limit theorems for maximal random sums. Theory of Probability and its Applications,1996, V.41, N.3, pp.520-532.

[4] Bo Zhang. Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund law for sequences of blockwise m-dependent random variables. Statistics and Probability Letters, 1998, V.38, pp.83-88.

[5] Bo Zhang. A note on LIL for random subsequences. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium, Universitais Pekinensis, 1998, V.34, N.1, pp.1-4.

[6] Bo Zhang. Stable convergence for random sequences with random indices. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2000, V.99, N.4, pp.1515-1526.

[7] V.M.Kruglov and Bo Zhang. On the central limit problem for random sums. Bulletin of Moscow University, Series 15, 2001, N.3, pp.23-31.

[8] V.M.Kruglov and Bo Zhang. Weak convergence for random sums. Theory of Probability and its Applications, 2002 , V.46, N.1, pp.28-49.

[9] 张博. 相依随机变量列的随机和的中心极限问题. 数学学报, 2002, V.45, N.3, pp.535-544.

[10] Bo Zhnag. What kind of new asset will push up the CML? Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2004,V.34, pp.539-545.

[11] 曹和平,张博,叶静怡. 中国建置经济制度的历史传承与当代竞争. 经济研究, 2004, N.5, pp.117-125.

[12] Bo Zhang and Yongcheng Qi. A note on Compound Poisson Distributions. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium, Universitais Pekinensis, 2007, V.43, N.3, pp.299-301.

[13] 张博. 城市生活用水定价研究. 经济科学, 2007, N.6, pp.90-98.

[14] Bo Zhang. A Mathematical Model for the Parallelogram Method in Ratemaking. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium, Universitais Pekinensis, 2008, V.44, N.3,pp.335~338.


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