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新的大学怎么样英文 新的大学怎么样英文翻译

2024年03月30日 01:19:18资讯1




新的大学怎么样英文 新的大学怎么样英文翻译

  1. 英语作文:大学新生入学后的改变有那些?
  2. 英语作文,你的大学生活如何?
  3. 如何适应新学校的生活的英语作文



The biggest change after college is that the whole person's attitude is different. Learning in high school is rigid, but learning in college is much more flexible and diverse. 

In high school, it is more recitation, but in college, there is more knowledge to understand. But universities also need better self-discipline, because there are really no teachers who will take care of you in universities.



The life of university I've been in college for a term. Since I've been here I enjoy it very much. First of all, I make many friends here and they are friendly. What's more,college is a envirotment of social,here i can learn something i can't know in highschool. Last but not least,I've learn many new tec here. In a word, I enjoy staying college. 大学生活 我来到大学校园已经一个学期了.自从我来到了大学,我就非常喜欢这里.首先,我在这里交了很多朋友,他们都很友好.其次,大学是个社会环境,这里,可以学到很多原来高中学不到的知识.最后,我在这里更学到了很多先进的科学知识. 总而言之,我喜欢我的大学生活.


There are obvious differences between high school life and college life. First,college students will live in the dormitory with classmates who come from various places, and who may have different living habits. Second,college teachers ,instead of explaning in detail how to solve every problem.

Might only tell different approaches to the problem, and leave students to study and solve problems independently. Finally, in college,there is more free time for students to spend on.

However how should the college freshman adapt himself to these differeces. First of all, he should learn to be tolerant and consider more for others,which is necessary for group living.

Moreover he should take active part in collective activities and make more communication with classmates and teachers.

It will help he be smoothly integrated with your new environment. Besides,as to study,he should develop a good habit of self-teaching and learn to arrange study independently. Of course,it may take a freshman some while to become accustomed to the study and life in college.

However, we all have to accept constant challenges of new things in our life. To conclude,college students should try to adapt himself to college life possible, so as to take full advantages of their precious college time.






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